

Observer has one property that change the conclution. We have to deside how to separate observer and observable or take account self observation of observer and in limit the self obrevation of universe of it self and at least one algorithm is nesessary that can count to parts as existing or not.

If we take attitude that the measurement of self observation of the universe is null (information to us) and self observation of observer is one (observer is real). The observation of total all is realtive to universe and realtive to observer. We count M= 0 + 1 + P - 1. P is the fenomena, P-1 is phenomena exept observer and 0 means there in no information about university, We get M=P. So we never measure the totality.

We can have model L, with two connectomes Q and A. One for observer and one for observable universe (A is all). Still there is the desition to be made by the measurement which is analogue to set of reasoning rules and logics. We have constraints. The observation is allways in content and can not be done outside.

L= P +P(Q+A)P + ....

M= <L|M|L>= PMP + PM(Q+A)P+ ... = PMP + PMQP+PMAP+ (L-P)M(L-P) = 1+P -1=P


Mesurement M inteact with phenome Q and Universe A. All interacting paths P  with contact to measurement and connectome are involved.


Message from the Big Bang --'Confirms Quantum Origin of the Universe'

Message from the Big Bang --'Confirms Quantum Origin of the Universe'

Gravity waves were not yet observed. The origin of structures may be in
quantum fluctuations. What was the reason for them? This is the "There
is no resason for that - problem" and so the power of randomness.

pobability of the universe in its all aspects is positive in any
scenario of sigma algebras. Likelihood of something is not smooth with
any smooth appriory probability.

This means it is the likehood of
the universe that fluctuates. This is hard to casp, because there is no
observables experimental values to expres likelihood.

So the
likelihood is complex. So the universe is quantum with complex wave

This was easiest prove for the quantum origin of the universe I have invented.

The Theory Of Everything Is Not Empirical Science

The Theory Of Everything Is Not Empirical Science

This argumentation that theory of everything leave no room for falsification is odd in sence that we may take a partial version of the theory and test it and have an approximation of the theory.

Then if we take the full theory then there is no room for falsify observatio from OUTSIDE the theory. Of cause any test may take false results. And if the reason is that some aspect of the theory is false then the theory is false.

False theory is wrong, but it may not nesessary be bad theory, beacuse it may contain hints where to prove and make a better theory.

The hidden cap is in the expression force of languages and on concepts we can use. Some may say that we cannot formulate all the questions with restricted cabability to understand and formulate infinite propositions. Then we are on the fields of Orch -OR of Penrose were we rise our consciousness above logical, linguistical and mathematical level. Penrose propose we can solve noncalulable problems.

TOE may be not testable. This reminds it is a Gödelian nonprovable truth, but our consciousness may be omnipotent and state the theory and rise the prove to higher believe system such like religions take the final answer responsibility to the God.